Sunday, March 26, 2023

Seed of Digital Portfolio and Phase 2: Attention to Details and Perseverance

Yesterday's class session was our first class session returning from Spring Recess but it carried another significance: it was the day after the deadline to withdraw from a course for the Spring 2023 semester. A day prior, I reached out to three students who may benefit from that action, two evaluated their current situation and withdrew while a third who has gotten back on his/her feet in life chose to stay in IS101-3003 and fight for his/her success :-)

This student has a significant amount of catching up to do. From the final page of the syllabus:

 1. I will help you with your IS101 coursework not only during class time but outside as well.

 2. When you become lost in an assignment or an activity, I will steer you to the right direction.

 3. When you cannot fully grasp a concept or a process, I will paint a clear roadmap for you.

 4. When you fall down, I will help you pick yourself up and continue advancing to your goal.

 5. I will fight alongside you as long as you have fight left in you!

The twelve students on the class roster occupy the full range of the progress spectrum. Heather leads the pack with Tsz and Linette hot on her trail.

The class session kicked off with Bonus Quiz 8A - Domain Name Registration and URL Parts and with BQ8B - ccTLD Hack and URL Parts from two days prior, Tsz and Elijah scored the highest on BQ8. I used the remainder of the class session to conclude my two lectures/presentations/walkthroughs:
We got a few chuckles as I shared the ccTLD hacks from this semester's students and those from past students. My favorite this semester is espress.oh (Oman) from Jimena while Elijah's is a naughty one from a past student of mine.

As we concluded L3, the topic of fiber optics came up. Here's a 6 min 25 sec video on how the Internet travels across oceans: Hmm... I wonder what my students think of YouTube's use of ccTLD hack and which country's code is being used?

L4 had two major topics: Straight Average vs. Weighted Average and Using Charts to Visually Present Data. The Straight Average vs. Weighted Average walkthrough is my favorite from my signature collection as it is not only the most interactive but the most challenging. The four scenarios used in Straight Average vs. Weighted Average can be found in the image central to my previous blog post.

Click on the image for a larger/clearer view

I concluded the class session with a quick presentation that illustrated the academic pursuit of the twelve students, leaderboard, and the target goals to reach by next Saturday's class session.


Looking and thinking beyond next Saturday: What will distinguish you from your IS101-3003 classmates? From other IS101 students from other professors? From my past students?

A digital portfolio/a website showcasing your individuality, creativity, and all that you have accomplished in IS101-3003, Spring 2023 is a strong candidate. Here are samples I made using five fictitious students' A4 Homepage, Website, Online Publishing:

Albert Einstein

Florence Nightingale

Benjamin Franklin

Marie Curie

Elvis Presley
We would not be able to create homepages, websites, or publishing content on the Internet without the intellectual contribution and leadership of these three men:

Robert "Bob" Kahn and Vinton "Vint" Cerf led the design and implementation of the Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) that are the basis for the current Internet. Sir Tim Berners-Lee initiated the development of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) that make up the World Wide Web (WWW). Each man's A.M. Turing Award came decades after their leadership changed the world. Each man's contribution will come into play in an upcoming bonus quiz.

As you work through Microsoft Excel/Phase 2 of IS101-3003, Spring 2023, please also envision how you will distinguish yourself via a digit portfolio. Do the five samples inspire you with how you want to design your homepage and website? May your seed for a digital portfolio grow to be a vibrant and polished tree ^_^


  1. I am currently still working through Microsoft Excel and as I keep learning new things, I am somewhat overwhelmed with the idea of creating a digital portfolio of some sort. Questions run through my mind, if I am good enough or would it look mundane or uninteresting to the reader who would see my website. The samples do inspire me to be more creative, so I am in the brainstorming stage. I am inspired though, I want to make sure that it reflects everything I worked hard on. Wish me luck 😉

  2. As much as I have enjoyed some aspects of IS101, creating and maintaining a digital portfolio has been my least favorite. Even though I can see the benefit, for me personally I still have no interest. I accept the digital age is here to stay, I wish to participate as little as possible. In the beginning I was fascinated and wanted to be apart of it and for that I have more of a presence than I want. However, knowledge is power and knowing how it is done (on a surface level) is interesting.

  3. I have been always wanting to learn HTML and make websites. These five samples have piqued my curiosity about HTML For my first website, it would be great to design a simple website as the basis for creating cooler websites in the future.

  4. While the five listed sources are a great example, I am not a fan of creating and maintaining a digital portfolio (past this semester). Even though I understand the advantages, it does not interest me personally having information about myself online, where anyone that searches my name will be able to find. :(

  5. Thinking of a digital portfolio is not something I'd like to do but it does sound a bit interesting for some reason. I like the idea of a hardcopy better, but in today's times everything is becoming digital, and we have to keep up. IS 101 has been an interesting yet challenging course. I feel like this should be a class taken early on due to the fact that it could help improve our other classes with all the important information taught. Although I still have a lot of catching up to do I believe I will reach my goal and finish IS 101.

  6. I have been in the process of creating my own digital portfolio for some time now. It is honestly more difficult to gather media and photograph accomplishments to build the portfolio than it is to throw it all together. I hope to have it all pieced together by the end of the year that way I can properly apply for some of my dream careers with all of my projects documented and displayed.

  7. To me a digital portfolio is a slippery slope. As much as I'm a stickler for privacy, not only in my life, but in my social media life, I feel like having a digital portfolio where everyone can have access to without any privacy settings deters me from the idea. Maybe not have a website of my own accomplishments or whatever projects I've completed, but instead a PowerPoint readily available.

  8. I don't have much if any digital footprint. I don't have any social media except some Facebook page I made in 2009 that I didn't use at all. The only thing I really have is this Blogger page.
