Sunday, March 12, 2023

Semester Midpoint, Phase 2, Evolving Mindset and Habits

Week 8 of 16 -- 17 if you count Spring Recess which begins in less than 10 minutes -- brings us to the semester midpoint :-)

Our eighth class session began with Bonus Quiz (BQ) 7A – TCP/IP. Together with BQ07B – One Big Thing and Generic Top Level Domains (sent in a day and half prior) yielded three top scorers: Linette, Heather, and Tsz.

I then gave a trio of lectures/walkthroughs/presentations that consumed the remainder of the class:
  • Spring Recess: Catch-up, Clean-up, Move-up

Click on the image for a larger/clearer view

After class ended, a tenth Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certificate in Word was added to IS101-3003, Spring 2023 when Diego conquered the MO-100 certification exam with his inner child (Little Diegito) ^_^ I hope a few students who are still catching up will join Deigo.

Up until now, students' operational mindset are geared toward completion of tasks as much of the materials are easy and likely familiar to many students. The next phase of IS101 will require more attention to details, analysis, and perseverance as most students are not well versed with Microsoft Excel and scenario-based problems. Will students be able to adapt and more importantly, evolve their mindset and habits toward thoughtfulness and proactiveness, especially during Spring Recess?

Instead of asking "What do I need to finish by this due date?", will a student ask "What is coming ahead and when can I start?"

Rather than "What do I need to do for this assignment?", will a student -- after reading and comprehending an assignment's requirements -- ask "How can I do it better than anyone else?"

In Fall 2020, the digital literacy program director created a 20 min 25 sec video ( to help ease students' anxiety with Microsoft Excel.


In your comment to this blog post, please share

(A) Your experience with Microsoft Excel prior to you doing Chapter 5 Microsoft Excel

(B) If the Excel Primer video above (same one as listed in Week 7 of Canvas) helped you in alleviating your anxiety with Chapter 5 Microsoft Excel?

(C) What did you think of the country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) hack in the URL above? This will also help you with BQ8B – ccTLD Hack and URL Parts (see Week 8 for B8 Topics.pdf in Canvas)


  1. A) My experience with Microsoft Excel prior to doing Chapter 5 was entry level at most. I did not have knowledge of how to use the formula functions may it be simple or complex. I did not know any useful shortcuts nor did I know what "Concatenate" is or how to even use it.

    B) The Excel Primer video was informative at best and did alleviate a little anxiety for me. It was also very easy to follow.

    C) ccTLD hack is very interesting for me and made me think of ways I can make an international content if I ever want a bigger audience for my business (if I ever have one).

  2. A) I didn't have any experience with Microsoft Excel prior to doing Chapter 5 and anytime I dared looked at the program, I quickly became overwhelmed.

    B) The primer video only enhanced my anxiety about the program.

    C) I thought the ccTLD hacks and examples of ones were funny and clever. As of yet, I have no use for them. Learning about the parts of the URL have been helpful and I have found myself looking at them and more lately and trying to dissect them.

  3. (A) I understand what Excel is doing but I've never used Excel as I wasn't assigned any homework related to it.

    (B) I feel excited with Chapter 5 Microsoft Excel rather than anxious because I always want to learn Excel, seeing people create a complicated spreadsheet within just a few clicks which is a very cool.

    (C) I think the main function of the domain hack is for people to commit them into memory passively, as the domain hacks are impressive and funny.

  4. Thank you Professor!

    (A) My experience with Microsoft Excel began when I was in the United States Navy and having to use it in order to keep track of all the tools in our inventory. That's where my rudimentary experience began, but as years have gone by, I've dabbled with other aspects of Excel here and there.

    (B) Lol geez... I wish I had watched this video when before I took the MOS-200 exam... This video was really easy to follow and I can see how it could've relieved a lot of the anxiety that I had.

    (C) Understanding how ccTLD's work has allowed me to understand how international businesses can have multiple websites across multiple countries tailored to different languages. Fascinating!

  5. (A) Being honest, I was extremely terrified of Excel. To this day, Excel is not my favorite program, but learning and practicing the numerous features has allowed me to grow out of my hatred towards it. :D

    (B) No, as much as I hoped it would. As a horrible test-taker, the fear/anxiety goes away once you click the "Submit" button.

    (C) Learning about ccTLD has allowed me to see websites differently. Now every time I access a website, I began to categorize each segment and identify websites associated with a particular country or geographic region, and can be an essential element of branding and marketing strategies for businesses operating in those areas.

  6. A) My experience with excel wasn’t the best, I would rarely need to use it and when I would the excel sheet was already pre-filled for me.

    B) Not necessarily, excel makes me nervous still and with time I will conquer it but I learn best from trial and error.

    C) The country code top level domain is cool; it allows us to get a sense of the different information we are reading which may not apply the same to us.

  7. A) I didn't have a ton of experience prior to this class with Excel, but I was familiar with the basics.

    B) I'm never nervous to learn a new application, I always see it as a way to add another tool to the belt! The video was great as well.

    C) I think the best part about learning how to properly read and identify URLs and ccTLD's besides avoiding scams, is thinking about using other country codes to form clever URLs. It really changed the way I view starting a website. Gotta grab the attention of potential users!

  8. A) I had to do some basic statistic math in high school for Excel.

    B) No, I didn't even watch the video in the first place before taking the exam.

    C) It looks like people to create unique and attention-grabbing website names that can help bring popularity to a certain website.
