Sunday, February 26, 2023

Live-Remote and Heading Toward First Certification Exam

Yesterday's class session saw more students' brilliance illuminate the classroom even brighter!

Tsz made it for Bonus Quiz 6 – Shortcut, Recycle Bin, and File Types. Elijah and Heather arrived late thus missed out on BQ6. The evening prior, Heather gave me a heads up that she may not be able to attend class due to minor mishap that impaired her mobility. She shared with me that unless she is dying or bedbound, she will show up and do what she needs to do. I told Dr. Zamzow that I have the same ethos.

Jimena has been heavily immobile since an automobile accident the day before Spring 2023 began. Yesterday's class session was the first-time she joined the class live and remotely via WebEx after having surgery. I'm glad the young lady is able to say hi to her classmates and they to her ^_^

After walking through the answers for BQ6, I prepared the students for this coming Saturday. Bonus Quiz 7 will wait until the following week as students gear up for their first Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification exam: MO-100 Word. But the best preparation is their own practice in LabSim, not just in reaching 100% but troubleshooting when they didn't reach 100% on a given exercise then reaching 100%!

Linette took the stage and educated the class on Technical Analysis: What it is and how to use it in investing. I love her closing with sage advice from her own experience! An unintended demonstration of what could go wrong in the 'real world' occurred as I had the wrong version of Linette's slideshow at the beginning.

Elijah followed with Space Race. The future space agency employee had to attend to his earthly ground-based vehicle, causing him to be late to the class. He surprised me with an updated slideshow after I sent him a polished version. It's been some years since a student demonstrated creativity and passion to continue improving their slideshow after I polished theirs :-)

Click on the image for a larger/clearer view

Though I didn't have a chance to review his improvements, I was confident that Elijah's new content would not cause concern or offend the audience. What I didn't expect were his poignant tributes to the astronauts that lost their lives in their missions:

55 years after Apollo 1 fire, NASA's lessons live on as Orion aims for the moon

35 Years Ago: Remembering Challenger and Her Crew

Columbia disaster

The three slides Elijah added were portraits of the Apollo1, Challenger, Columbia crews respectively each with a custom background. This will earn him bonus credit once he completes A5 Slideshow Presentation. Later in the semester, I hope the space rocket enthusiast will do the optional assignment A4 Homepage, Website, Online Publishing so that his poignant tributes will be on the World Wide Web for everyone to see.

Linette earned bonus credit for A5 as she is the first student to complete this mandatory assignment with her flawless A5 email. Heather and Khylie who presented in-class the previous Saturday will also receive bonus credit for being the first group of presenters.

Before leaving the classroom, Heather uttered the quintessential attribute that will increase the chance of passing MO-100 or any certification exam: read and comprehend all details of the scenario/requirement so that one can fulfill all aspects of the scenario/requirement correctly and fully -- assuming one gained and practiced the necessary skills prior to the exam. Hmm, this sounds exactly like the quintessential attribute to succeed on a bonus quiz...

Earlier today, I graded BQ6 and Chandani (who goes by Lama) emerged as the lone holder of the highest score. Welcome to the 'highest scorer' club Lama, joining Linette (x1), Tsz (x2), Elijah (x1). Though not the only student to express interest in presenting this coming Saturday, Lama is the only one in a front-running position that may have the time and energy to draft a slideshow on top of preparing for the MO-100.

I wish Lama can find the time and energy and everyone success on MO-100 


  1. I definitely liked the polished version of Elijah's presentation and was glad to finally meet my classmate Jimena.

  2. I felt both presentations were informative and presented well. I grew up in the era of Sally Ride and watched the Challenger explode on TV. We girls all wanted to be an astronaut until we found out what that ACTUALLY meant.

  3. Unfortunately, I missed these two presentations due to some personal issues, but I would've loved to have been there! I'm glad our classmate is feeling better and was able to join us remotely.

  4. I greatly appreciate you for allowing me to attend the class virtually! I will attend class in-person very soon! :)

  5. As a non-native speaker, I found it difficult to listen to native speaker's presentation. But I could definitely feel Elijah's enthusiasm in spacecraft!

  6. Honestly, seeing how both presentations changed after the edits were made was mindblowing and it made so much more sense why things were done the way they were. The fact that were able to do presentations in this class is really awesome!

  7. Presenting on rockets was a pleasure and I'm glad that my additions were welcomed and positive!

  8. Like I said in class. I very much enjoyed Elijah's presentation and his way of speaking. Also, Linette's presentation was very well researched, and her use of images was excellent. Though we are going to be in a bear market for a while longer it seems.
