Monday, May 1, 2023

From Live-Remote to In-Person, Cryptocurrencies I (One)/Responsibility

We are approaching the finish line for the semester. Some even exclaimed it's almost over. The Spring 2023 semester may be reaching its conclusion but one's digital literacy journey is constantly evolving and never-ending ^_^

This past Saturday's class session marked the first time Jimena is able to attend the class in-person instead of via live-remote since her life-changing experience at the beginning of the semester. The excitement of this first in-person appearance was amplified as I help her resolve a technical issue so she can send the completed version of her draft slideshow to me.

I transformed her draft slideshow during class and walked through the process with the young lady before her presentation time. The rest of the class put this time to productive use :-) For the final portion of the class session, Diego shared his Five Years in the U.S. Navy and Jimena highlighted The Dark Side of Las Vegas' Population Boom: Traffic Woes and Economy Concerns.

Click on the image for a larger/clearer view

From his two deployments in the U.S. Navy, Diego has visited these exotic locations: Guam; Busan; South Korea; Manila; Philippines; Singapore; Pattaya; Thailand; Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE); Manama, Bahrain; Suez Canal; Marseille, France; and Rock of Gibraltar, Spain.

Jimena had compiled some great statistics in her slideshow, it would be a crime to not share it:
  • Average driver spent 21.6 hours sitting in traffic during peak commuting times all of last year in Las Vegas, ranking 333rd out of 1,064 cities around the globe, according to a report released by Inrix, a transportation analysis company.
  • Being stuck in traffic cost the average Las Vegas driver $1,022 last year and roughly $715 million combined for the region.
  • With the rise of COVID-19 and rising inflation, the second quarter of 2020 saw a 14% increase in traffic fatalities over the second quarter of 2019.
  • 3,616 traffic fatalities in the first six months of 2020.
  • According to the National Safety Council (NSC), “traffic fatalities in the first six months of 2020 were up 9% over 2019.”
  • The NSC reported that in 2022 there has been a 24% increase in fatal accidents this year.

As we approach the final three weeks of Spring 2023, I'll kick off the final trio of John Oliver videos with Crytopcurrencies I (One), a 25 min 20 sec from five years ago. I wonder what my students think of cryptocurrencies... 


  1. Though I woke up late for class I am glad I made it in time to see Diego and Jimena present! Anyways, originally, I thought crypto was cool, I dabbled for a bit until I noticed how quickly the crypto space got flooded with scams and rug pull attempts from major influencers just trying to make a quick buck off of their audience. I ultimately got sick of them for the most part as far as the smaller coins go. I think that there is still a place for Bitcoin and Ethereum though.

  2. Over two years ago I purchased cryptocurrency and at first my profit doubled but over the last year it hasn't been financially sustainable. Crypto can be very risky especially if you get caught in a scam, my cousin recently got scammed for five-thousand dollars people should be careful when investing.

  3. I think a lot of people want to get rich quick and with the inherent distrust of government institutions and banks, it creates a market for things like Cryptocurrencies. Now I don't think it is all bad, but with so many out there and the high potential to get scammed it is hard for me personally to trust in something like crypto. Also, many people don't want to do the work to research what they are getting into. So if it sounds good and the person or persons pitching the idea seem confident in what they are pitching and with the right kind of flash behind it, people will give there money away in the hopes of getting a return that sounds too good to be true.

  4. I have bought and sold Cryptocurrencies. I am still holding Bitcoin and Ethereum, not a lot but I just wanted to thread the waters.

  5. I bought a 4000 USD miner abandoned in my Hong Kong's house. I think cryptocurrencies are a representative of greed. People believe cryptos will get expensive and so buy a lot. When the market thrives again, people will become greedy once more. I am waiting for the moment to restart my miner and recoup my investment.

  6. After hearing John Oliver's statement about the accessibility of creating a cryptocurrency, I was confident that by the end of the episode, he would introduce a cryptocurrency that they themselves had developed, but the ending was better! While Cryptocurrencies have gained popularity as an alternative form of currency and investment, I am not as familiar with them.
