Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Capstones and Second MOS Associate!

Earlier this evening, Elijah took and passed MO-300 PowerPoint ahead of schedule, becoming the second MOS Associate from IS101-3003, Spring 2023 :-) He stayed in the classroom so I can walk him through his capstone assignments: A6 Spreadsheet Analysis with Trailer and A7 Mail Merge using Object Linking & Embedding (OLE). I will do the same for his classmates one-on-one beginning this Saturday after they take their MO-300 ^_^

This past Saturday's class session launched with Bonus Quiz 11A – The Internet, Granny, Bob, Vint, and Tim. Upon reviewing it and BQ11B – Mat Honan’s Epic Hack, Heather emerged as the lone holder of the highest score for BQ11, heavily helped by her succinct and thorough answer in educating someone who has not read "How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking" by Mat Honan, how the social engineering feat was accomplished.

BQ2 through BQ11 form the longest series of bonus quizzes. At the end of this run, Elijah achieved the highest cumulative score, Tsz garnered the most occurrences where he scored the highest -- more than one student can earn the highest -- score on a given bonus quiz, Heather missed catching up to either gentleman by half a point or one occurrence, and Linette and Jan earned honorable mention by having participated in all ten.

After a quick showcase of the leaderboard and explaining how each student has at least one safety net for the two capstone assignments, I gave the majority of the class session to students for them to catch up and move ahead. Linette took and passed MO-200 Excel and Tsz lived up to his word as the first student to take on BQ12 – Microsoft Excel 2019 and Spreadsheet Analysis and BQ13 – Apex of Excel -- collectively equaling the total points of BQ2 through BQ11, in an attempt to double his A6 score!

Click on the image for a larger/clearer view

Back to this evening,

As Elijah left the classroom, he shared that he will use the next three days to prepare for BQ12 & BQ13 and take them on Saturday. I shared with him that this is the second time that he bested the previous highest score on a MOS certification exam by a few points. I wonder he would do the same with BQ12 & 13... He also shared the certifications he acquired this semester outside of IS101, very nice Elijah :-)


In your comment, please share 

(A) Your thoughts on, from BQ2 through BQ11, whether or not you have improved in your preparation, comprehension, and communication of a subject matter to someone who do not yet have an understanding of that subject matter?

(B) What changes would you make in your end-user cybersecurity practices/behaviors after reading Mat Honan's Epic Hack article?

(C) An unique example of non-linear system in life you have seen. For example, from A6, the (3 min 26 sec) Test Tube with David Suzuki video talks about exponential growth, which is non-linear. If you are not sure what non-linear means, a quick Google search can help.

(D) What did you think of the way Chancellor James Rogers answered the TV anchor? If you need a refresher, please read Memorandum.pdf from A6.

(E) How was your experience in doing A7 on your own (i.e. without step-by-step instructions)?


  1. (A) I am more capable now of educating someone about things I have learned in this class. Even if it is not as formal as how the book explains it, I am sure that I can point them in the right direction.

    (B) I would use 2FA whenever possible and be aware of phishing scams. I would also use a password manager for all my password.

    (C) I guess I can say the weather is highly non-linear system and it is unpredictable. The temperature, humidity, air pressure and all other variables contribute to how the weather changes. The stock market and the weather may seem like very different but they share many similarities in terms of their complexity, unpredictability, and the variety of factors that influence their behavior over time. I mean the weather has seasonal patterns while the stock market has bullish and bearish trends.

    (D) I was very impressed with his feedback. It made so much sense and I was entertained for I hanged on word for word.

    (E) I was a little put off until I realize that I am capable of doing so. It was actually fun to do the mail merge for I never knew how to do it before and learning so now has helped me at work.

  2. A) The bonus quizzes have helped me in a way to try and think differently. They have also improved my comprehension of the subject matter especially understanding URLs.

    B) The changes I would make would unsure I set up the 2-step authorization, back-up the information I deemed important, and not use Apple products.

    C) An example on a non-linear system in life would be the migrant worker here in the United States. The output of their wages (in most cases) is not proportional to the input of work they do for the farmer

    D) The Chancellor Rogers' response to the new anchor was spot on. They way he was able to quickly reflect the scenario back onto the anchor to prove a point. Also he was able to with his response let him know to do more research before you try to embarrass someone on TV.

    E) My experience of doing A7 on my own was wasn't so bad until the review. Upon the review, I reflected upon how simple mistakes can change the entire outcome. By not thinking to check my work afterwards was rookie and lazy mistake and I should have known better. I also learned that ignoring something instead of taking the time to ponder it can also change the outlook of the said task. This task just reflects what I already know about myself, I am definitely impatient and easily frustrated.

  3. (A) The bonus quizzes taken throughout the semester are helpful but due to falling behind in class it's been difficult on preparing and analyzing the work.

    (B) What happened to Mat was unfortunate but the changes I would make would be to make a habit of changing my password frequently and never using personal information for passwords. Another thing I would do is set up two factor authentication code.

    (C) A non-linear system could be the number of exports and imports that are traded within the world. During Covid trade got very tough and unpredictable with the outage of supplies due to the lockdown and the spread of the virus causing delays.

    (D) The way Chancellor James Rogers answered the TV anchor was in a very knowledgeable and professional manner. The Chancellor provided concrete information and gave a detailed overview on the amount of time and work that actually gets completed, he definitely turned the table on him.

    (E) I found task A7 to be very informational when trying to save time on a task. The mail merge wasn't too complicated, but it gave me a chance to explore Word and get familiarized with the way to make a task so much easier. I didn't quite get the assignment correct but I understood the concept which was a plus.

  4. A) I would like to think that I have improved on my ability to get to the point in the most necessary terms and keywords to ensure that I'm not confusing the person listening, but I won't be too sure unless I get some out of class practice. But otherwise, I do think that I am able to prepare for quizzes and tests a bit better.

    B) I feel like I already practiced Cyber Security personally. I use Two-Auth for most accounts, and I have rather convoluted mix-up of emails, usernames and passwords for all my primary and throwaway accounts. Unless my passwords end up in a stolen password dictionary floating on the deep web somewhere, I think I should be rather secure!

    C) Matrix Factorization using a feed forward Neural Network, this is primarily used to filter shows or movies for example to the user that the Machine Learning algorithm predicts the user will like/rate highly.

    D) I think he handled it elegantly; it was quite a backhanded remark/question that he received and there honestly was no better response to make the interviewer look like he knew absolutely nothing about teaching.

    E) I totally botched the assignment by getting the two confused, however after reviewing with you it is so much clearer, simpler and I'm certain I'll never get mixed up again!

  5. (A) I think I didn’t improve much my preparation, comprehension, and communication. I understand that I am superficial; I didn’t try my best to think about or prepare for bonus quizzes because it won’t affect my grade without doing it.

    (B) I think I am good. I always to complicated passwords for different accounts. As long as I didn’t drop my phone, I can use my phone number to get any account back. If my credit card is used by someone else, the bank will bear the responsibility.

    (C) Starting a business is a non-linear system. Tesla’s profit was $882 million in 2014, was $924 million in 2015 and was $1,599 in 2016.

    (D) Chancellor James Rogers answered the TV anchor with TV anchor’s logic. It helped the TV anchor understand his logical problem easily.

    (E) I think the instruction distracted me because it doesn’t contain any keyword “mail merge.” I had to search “How to do this” on google, and found the tutorial of mail merge. It spent me like 2.5 hours.

  6. (A) I quite frankly did not participate in the bonus quiz's as much as I would of liked. I focused most of my time in trying to catch up instead of prioritizing them and actually grasping the topics beforehand.

    (B) After reading Mat Honan's Epic Hack article, I would make changes to my end-user cybersecurity practices by implementing stronger and more unique passwords, using two-factor authentication whenever possible, and regularly backing up important data. I would also be more cautious about the information I share online and the types of permissions I give to third-party apps and services.

    (C) An example of a non-linear system in life could be the spread of COVID-19. The number of people who contract the disease may start out small, but as it spreads to more people, the rate of infection can increase exponentially. This can create a non-linear growth curve that can be difficult to predict and control.

    (D) Overall, his response seemed professional and thoughtful. Chancellor Rogers appeared to stay calm and composed while responding to the anchor's questions. He also provided detailed and informative answers, explaining the reasons behind the tuition increase and the steps the university was taking to mitigate its impact on students.

    (E) It was not east as it took me multiple trials and error to finally complete A7. It has allowed me to appreciate the step-by-step mail merge wizard greatly and the overall concept of merged and linked documents. :)
